I just started experimenting with Unreal state machines, making this guy move was quite the achievement.
Do you know SpeedTree?
Well, this is not it.
It's slow and complitely useless, but it was a nice way to approach randomization in script.
It's slow and complitely useless, but it was a nice way to approach randomization in script.
This script is one of the first I started working on when I started learning py and it's also one of my favorites.
By selecting locators in order you can create IK and FK joint chains with a geometry already skinned to them and nurbs as controls.
Attached to the control there's also a lattice deformer if you want to modify the geometry.
Attached to the control there's also a lattice deformer if you want to modify the geometry.
I use it mostly if I need a temporary rig or to make animation tests, but using Houdini's vdb voxels to merge and smooth the geometry this rigs can actually be used to create interesting characters very quickly.